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[AX] rooted! !

It was discussed yesterday complaining that "... you can not", I devised a method, please be our predecessors, still trial and error and some material was able to take root seems too w becomes a manual! !
I tried to look at so rooted in accordance with the published procedure.

What you need

Installation instructions

  1. Preparation prior to the introduction: modification of ftf file
    open in 7-zip to ftf file of the underlying Xperia VL, override loader.sin was discharged from the ftf file of Xperia AX
    \ SO-01E_rooted.Ftf \ META-if possible ( easy to determine in the Flashtool and keep it in a text editor to modify INF \ MANIFEST.MF)

  2. Baked ROM
    burned to the ftf Xperia AX was modified using Flashtool
    (easy with discrimination like this idea to modify the MANIFEST.MF) Loader.Sin, System.Sin, bake this way only kernel.sin Uncheck Wipe portion so that it is (or put)

  3. Check the start-up and power ON
    POWER ON rose grilled. au Xperia AX logo is a start. I will take a little time to start. Cancel au initial setting screen will appear and leave 2-3 minutes after the

  4. Check the settings
    make sure that option is checked> USB Debugging Developer Settings>

  5. take root 
    [rooted Xperia GX · SX] 1 click!!! rooted using the tools I have gotta go well with "Permission denied" and it plain AX.

  6. Run command
    to open a command prompt, run the following command
    (copy and paste the bold)
    C: \ Users \ XXX> adb shell
    shell @ android :/ $ echo Ro.Kernel.Qemu = one> / Data / Local.Prop
    ro echo. kernel.qemu = 1> / data / local.prop
    shell @ android :/ $ cd / Data
    cd / Data
    Data shell @ android :/ $ ls-L Local.Prop
    ls - L Local.Prop
    -rw-rw-rw-root root 17 2012-11-20 22:05 Local.Prop
    Data shell @ android :/ $

  7. Power OFF the terminal
  8. Baked ROM
    with Flashtool burn only system.sin of Xperia AX (remove-related checks wipe, except Exclude System is checked)

    After burning power ON. I'm sure that the return to docomo.
    (Wait a little during the upgrade of the Android display will appear, perform a reset DoCoMo Service)

  10. (Open in the current folder of the rootkit) to open a command prompt
    , open a command window by right-clicking the shift + rootkit> files folder of the GX / SX.

  11. Run the command
    to open a command prompt, run the following command
    (copy and paste the bold text)
    D: \ RootkitGXSX_v3 \ Files> adb shell
    root @ android :/ # / Data/local/tmp/step2.Sh
    / Data / local / tmp / Step2.Sh
    Records in 0 +1
    0 +1 Records out
    Transferred 57 bytes in 0.001 secs (57,000 bytes / sec)
    - - reboot here D: \ RootkitGXSX_v3 \ Files> adb shell root @ android :/ # Data / local / Tmp/step3.Sh Data/local/tmp/step3.Sh Records in forty-three +1 +1 Records forty-three outtwenty-two thousand three hundred sixty-four Transferred bytes in 0.002 secs (11182000 bytes / sec) Records in 1647 +1 +1 Records out 1,647 Transferred in 843,503 bytes 0.123 secs (6,857,747 bytes / sec) Records in two thousand one hundred nineteen +1 +1 Records out two thousand one hundred nineteen Transferred 1.08514 million bytes in 0.089 secs (12192584 bytes / sec) - (rooted at this point) - Restart here D: \ RootkitGXSX_v3 \ Files> adb shell shell @ android :/ $ susu shell @ android :/ # - make sure that it is a-rooted ♪ I think I have a superuser app in the list

  12. Burn only the kernel Xperia AX (added)
    mount SD would be terminated if you do not do this and ※, will not be able to use any Wi-Fi. It is now complete.

50% of that in the title, does not recognize the external SD memory might be just my environment.(I'm thinking and optimism to solve someday) w is no problem because they do not personally use nearly SD

By the way, I will not start I tried also put CWM. . Layman's idea and I wonder if I do not gotta look at the trigger again to start because surely VL is confirmed.
♪ it is enough just now for the time being you can use Titanium Backup

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