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MTS introduces new features the "cloud" for the corporate PBX market

Telecommunications operator MTS announced that he was the first among Russian carriers, who began to represent the "cloud" service for small and medium business that does not require the purchase of additional equipment and software and allows you to make automated outbound phone campaigns, mass alert employees and customers.

The service "Avtosekretar_Teleinfo" allows a single number to quickly notify the employees or to inform customers about new offerings or changes in the company. The service works within the already available "cloud" solutions MTS to provide multi-channel numbers "auto attendant" or "free call 8-800" and does not require additional hardware or increasing the number of telephone lines in the office. Telephone campaign is using the supplied MTS functional algorithm that corporate clients to control yourself with a convenient web-interface.

Web-interface "Avtosekretar_Teleinfo" allows the company to own base load rooms and audio files, track the progress of the telephone campaign in online mode or a report for a specific period, set a number of parameters information - schedule, the maximum number of connections, while dialing the number, redial, is busy or does not answer, and the number of repetitions, and the ability to call back the subscriber's number, followed by a multi-channel routed to staff phones call-center or sales (calls can be directed to the mobile and fixed numbers in Moscow regions of Russia and other countries).

Unlike a standard PBX option "Avtosekretar_Teleinfo" does not require capital expenditures and maintenance costs of equipment, provides the operational deployment - from the service is to inform the organization of the first will be no more than a few hours, and has a wider functional. This option can be connected and disconnected at any time, submit your application.

Connection fee option "Avtosekretar_Teleinfo" - 500 rubles.
Monthly fee - 600 rubles.
Tariffication of outgoing calls are according to your service "auto attendant" or "free call 8-800."

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