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Pakistani authorities later found the phone calls immoral

In Pakistan, some of the suggestions found mobile operators immoral. In this case, it is not a proposal to call somewhere to get some services, and the Conventional tariff proposals specific to Asian operators - pricing changes depending on the time of day. Office of Telecommunications Pakistan (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority) has sent a message to operators that offer at a cheaper connection at a later time is propaganda "vulgar" and contrary to the "values ​​of the state." Thus the authorities suspect of its citizens, to communicate by telephone the night of immoral behavior. Farooq Awan, who served as chairman of the Department of Telecommunications in Pakistan, said: "We have received a number of complaints from the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the Standing Committee of Parliament, MPs and subscribers about the spread of vulgarity in such promotions, and so requested a cellular mobile operators to immediately stop the spread of these packages and report back on. " Of course, such a requirement and the abolition of preferential tariff time displeasure users. The reaction of the operators not yet known. To be sure, this is not the first solution to Pakistani authorities about the limitations of mobile communication, a year earlier introduced a list of 1,700 "bad words" that have to be filtered when sending SMS-messages.

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