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The first 3G + network of Rostelecom launched into operation

Today, 23 November 2012, launched the first mobile phone network of the third generation (3G +) of Rostelecom. It earned in the Irkutsk region, where the sub-operator Rostelecom - Baikalwestcom (IOO). Next year is going to hold Rostelecom launch of 3G networks are in 26 regions of Russia. Now Rostelecom and its subsidiaries (HCC IOO UCC, Sky Link, Volgograd GSM, ICCO, ICE) offers mobile services in 59 regions of Russia, with more than 13.5 million subscribers. 3G network in the Irkutsk region is constructed using modern technology HSPA +, which provides data transfer speeds up to 21 Mb / s (the first 3G network offering speeds of up to 3.6 Mb / s), so it is often referred to as 3G +. Now completed the installation of more than 300 base stations. To date, 3G + network of Rostelecom is available on site, where 70% of the population of the Irkutsk region, the further expansion of the network will take place in the first quarter of next year. By the beginning of commercial operation of the network operator has prepared special rates and packages of Internet traffic.

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