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First in Tambov kibermarket Yulmart open on 16 February!

Yulmart - is Russia's first retailer of the new format. Thanks to innovative technology and unique software company managed to combine the advantages of traditional and online store while addressing their shortcomings. So in 2008 there was kibermarket - unique shop equipment with no windows, but there are terminals in which the customer chooses what he really needed.

Now there are 26 kibermarketov and more than 120 points ordering and delivery of goods Yulmart Outpost in 50 cities. February 16 Yulmart opens in Tambov! And thanks to the residents of Tambov will have access to a huge range of electronics, accessories, hardware and household appliances at fair prices, because Yulmart catalog with over 30,000 items.

Also on the opening day will be special promotions for customers. When buying goods in the amount of 1000 rubles - a guaranteed gift. During the nine days of the opening of the purchase in the amount of 1 000 client receives 300 XXL-bonus to your account if a promotional leaflet. Until the end of February a number of products will be available at special prices.

Opening kibermarketa Yulmart Tambov held February 16, 2013 at noon at ul. Maxim Gorky, 17/129 (the SEC "Gallery").

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