Sunday, March 30 2025

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Mobile electronics market in 2012 according to the "Euroset"

According to the company "Euroset", portable electronics market in 2012 continued to grow, showing an increase of 16.7% in quantity and 20.5% - in terms of money. Thus, the Russian market for the year 2012 was 88.6 million units sold, the proceeds of which amounted to 484.8 billion rubles. In quantitative terms, despite a significant decline in sales, the maximum share of the segment continues to ordinary cell phones. In second place - the market of memory cards, which increased its share of the amount of sales by two percentage points (pp). The smartphone market is left to the third position, taking 14% of the total sales of devices on the market, driving the mobile computing, which lost 1 pp compared to last year. Market is rooted in money terms by 20.5% compared to last year and amounted to 484.8 billion rubles. Segment showed the greatest increase tablets: + 256.7% compared to last year. Maximum growth in 2011 showed a segment plates (366% in quantity). More than 100% in the number of rooted markets electronic books and game consoles. Above the market average showed an increase smartphones (69% in number and 60% of revenues), the market of memory cards (+31% in number and 23% of revenues), and media players (only in the number: +25%).

Growth rates below the market average showed segments of digital cameras, mobile computers. The drop in sales for all three indicators observed in the market of simple mobile phones and DECT. The positive dynamics of the average price tag - just a group of digital cameras, which reduced segment of compact cameras, but the market continues to develop digital SLR cameras. The maximum drop in average price tag - in markets consoles (due to growth of the segment cheap portable devices) and electronic books.

For the year 2012, according to the company "Euroset", the market has sold about 42 million mobile phones (cell phones and smartphones). While in quantitative terms, the market rooted by 5.8% in value - an increase of 14.4%. Thus, the average price increased to 4.7 thousand rubles. The positive dynamics of the average price indicates a shift in demand in the smartphone segment. In quantitative terms, the market leader is Samsung. The gradual increase in sales Fly enabled the company to achieve the third position in the market, pushing the LG. In value terms, the market leader Samsung. Nokia is in the second position, despite the fact that much lost in the beat. In third place was Apple, which has increased its share to 10.8%.

According to the company "Euroset", the smartphone market in 2012 was sold 12.8 million units, up 69% over 2011. The average price of a smartphone fell by 5.6% to 10.5 thousand rubles. Market in monetary terms amounted to 134 billion rubles. The share of Android smartphones in terms of quantity of 59% in terms of money - 62%. In turn, Symbian has fallen to third place in terms of money, giving iOS devices at the second position, and fell to second place in terms of quantity. Among the vendors in the smartphone market leader Samsung. Despite a significant reduction in the proportion, Nokia was able to hold the second position. Apple's revenue slightly lost share, retaining third place. Amid falling sales of mobile phones continues to grow smartphone market: +69% with a decrease in the average price of 5.6%.

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