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Sony’s open source BacklogTool updated with new features

BacklogTool is a light weight planning tool that allows users to plan their daily work and easily rank their tasks using drag and drop. BacklogTool was developed at our internal software tools department, and since we like it so much we shared it on GitHub a while ago. Now it’s been updated with several new features, read on to learn more!
Since we first opened this project to the public, several new features have been added, along with some bug fixes. Gustaf Lundh, Nicklas Nilsson and Fredrik Persson are among those who developed the tool, and they are also the most frequent contributors. These are their favourite new features in BacklogTool:
Expandable description fields: All long description texts can now be expanded by pressing the three dots (…) below the long text.

Screen shot showing the expandable description field functionality.
Allow administrators to edit area name: Administrators can change the name of an area on the “edit area” page.

Screen shot showing how users with administrator rights can edit an area name.
Save button: There is now a save button besides each backlog item.

Screen shot showing the newly added save button.
Filter on IDs: Users can now filter stories, epics and themes on ID by typing IDs in a filter textbox contained in the header. This textbox can be automatically populated if the user selects some items and presses the new “filter selected” button, also contained in the header. In order to display to the user what IDs different items have, a small ID text has been added in the upper left corner of each element. The active filter is transferred to the web URL, making it easier to share a filter with other users by simply copying the link.

Screen shot showing that you can now filter the stories by ID.
You can find all information about how to get started using BacklogTool over at Sony’s GitHub. Here you can also learn how to adapt it to your own needs. And if you have any questions, drop us a comment below!

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