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MTS-Ukraine has launched a service to remote call forwarding

The mobile operator "MTS Ukraine" announced the launch of a new free "Remote set forward," which allows you to remotely control the settings forwarding via Internet Assistant.

Now subscribers of prepaid tariff plans can set call forwarding to your room not only software phone , but also via Internet Assistant. According to the statement, the service is indispensable in case you forget your phone at home. The service "Remote setting forward" allows you to use the Internet to manage all kinds of assistant divert incoming voice calls, for example, set unconditional call forwarding to your work phone . Thus, the important calls are not missed.

Service can be activated independently, on page E-assistant in the "Services and Services", or by contacting the store of MTS. Installing on a page redirect Internet Assistant will take a few seconds, enough with a simple and convenient form to enter the number to which incoming calls will be forwarded. Also, the users of the service "Remote setting forward" allows you to set conditions for forwarding by selecting one of the options to divert all incoming calls or redirection only if the number is not available, busy or does not answer. The service is provided free of charge.

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