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The (Almost) Funny Story Behind the Budget iPhone Leaks

If you have even the slightest interest in the mobile market, you’ve probably stumbled during your daily online adventures on the so called “leaked budget iPhone” pics. You probably didn’t even had to look that hard or that long, that’s how many they were.

Apple has always been one of the few companies that really know how to keep their upcoming devices secret. Usually Apple’s products are kept under wraps until very close to the official announcement, with only the occasional flex cable or other internal component surfacing long before the Cupertino based company unveils them.

That’s why the amount of leaked shots featuring the so called official back panels of the upcoming “budget iPhone” left us scratching our heads. Did Apple’s security mess it up so bad? Does the company feel Android’s wrath so badly that it had to leak its own device in order to keep people interested? Well, the short answer is NO. For the long and detailed answer you’ll have to join us after the break.


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