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Early Kantar numbers for November is out – Windows Phone still holding its own

Due to the seasonal upswing of iOS sales we expect Windows Phone to take a battering in Q4 2013, but surprisingly so far sales of the OS has held up surprisingly well in the latest Kantar Comtech numbers, of which we now have an early preview.

In UK Windows Phone has approximately 10.6% in the 3 months ending November, vs 11.9% for the 3 months ending October.

In Germany sales have held steady at 5.6%, while surprisingly in Italy Windows Phone has continued to outsell iOS, with 15.6% of sales, vs 10.6% for iOS over the same period.

In USA Windows phone held steady at around 4.6% while it slid in China to 2.6%.

We can expect to see the full and slightly more accurate numbers on the 3rd January 2014. See last month’s full numbers here.


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