Six years ago, we started the discussion. The conversation continues in 2014…
From the Asha and Lumia to apps and accessories, the past year has been a crazy ride of innovation, excitement and, of course, great discussions with you here on Conversations.
So much has happened, that it’s easy to forget. Therefore, we decided to pull together the best bits of 2013. If you missed any of it, check our Lumia in review, Asha in review, our year of imaging innovation, and our best interviews.
We’re starting the new year on a high, with the Nokia Lumia 1020 having already been honoured at the 2014 CES Innovations Design and Engineering Awards.
However, you make this blog what it is. From our offices in the UK, Finland and North America, our collective minds were blown with your jaw-dropping Lumia photography and our minds raced with your insightful commentary. We can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for us over the coming months.
From the entire Conversations family, to all of you, have a happy, prosperous and life-enriching new year.
And tell us what you’re most looking forward to from Nokia in 2014. We’d love to know!
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