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Samsung: Cost-competitive OLED TVs to arrive in three to four years

In an interview with USA Today, HS Kim, executive vice president of Visual Display Business, said that the prices of OLED televisions will likely take three to four years to come down to levels that the average consumer can afford. The unfriendly prices are due primarily to difficulties in the OLED manufacturing process. “I’m really, really terribly sorry to say this, but it will take more time. … I believe it will take around three to four years,” said Kim, acknowledging that Samsung couldn’t expand the market as most consumers did not buy its OLED TVs launched in 2013, which started at prices of $9,000.

Kim also spoke on Smart TV interfaces, saying it’s tough to get the interface right as television is a ”lean-back” experience that people watch from afar. He also observed that Samsung is unlikely to go into the content business like companies such as Netflix, and also that they will only make an Android TV if it allows for providing the best possible user experience. ”From the consumer’s perspective,” he stated, “when they watch TV it doesn’t matter whether it’s a Google or an Android or a Samsung TV.”

Read the full interview at the source link.


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