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Mobile Yandex.Market help defer items "for later"

New update Yandex.Market App for iPhone and Android, and now put off buying "for later" you can literally. The application allows you to scan the bar code of goods in the store and make a list of pending items to be able to read at a convenient moment. This list is synchronized on all devices the user if it is authorized. You can explore all the pending items for home computer or smartphone in any free moment. Read reviews, view photos and select the appropriate store: one that is closer, or one where it is cheaper.
If a user, for example, accidentally went to the store and he liked some goods - application Yandex.Market help better than any sales assistant. Right in the app you can find detailed product specifications, read customer reviews and find the lowest price. And after purchase - shop praise or complain on his work, not postponing. Download the updated app for iPhone can Yandex.Market in AppStore, the application for Android - in Google Play.

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