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Samsung Global Goals: Creating Change One Small Action at a Time

Over the last decade, Samsung has made a huge impact on smartphone technology, pioneering new innovations and revolutionizing the ways we communicate with each other. During the last 10 years of excellence in mobile technology leadership, Samsung has also taken on the responsibility of improving the world through our actions, particularly in the regions in which we operate.

But now more than ever, the world needs radical change as the societal challenges we face every day have become more urgent and complex. Embracing a spirit of open collaboration, Samsung is answering the call for action by creating a community that believes in working together to achieve a greater good.

Understanding that each region has different needs and priorities, and that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, Samsung saw the need to support a diverse range of goals and partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to tackle 17 Global Goals.

Also referred to as Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Goals were developed by world leaders in 2015 with an eye on making the world a better place by 2030. The Global Goals include those related to inequality, climate and environmental degradation, education, and other ambitious milestones that aim for societal good. With the goals in place, it is up to governments, businesses, and society to work together to create a better future for everyone across the globe. At Samsung, we believe it’s important to step up and use our power as one of the world’s leading technology companies to make change.

It’s a natural evolution for Samsung’s CSR initiatives, as we embrace a spirit of open collaboration. There is an opportunity to work together to address the societal challenges we face every day and make a difference on the issues that matter in our local communities. But it takes more than one company to solve those complex modern problems. That’s why we are expanding our partnership with UNDP to support the Global Goals.

With the Global Goals as a foundation, Samsung is encouraging Galaxy users to make an impact by taking small individual actions that add up to meaningful collective change and achieve greater societal good. To help Galaxy users, Samsung is launching special edition accessories and the Samsung Global Goals application, which offers simple ways to help raise awareness about the Global Goals and enable people to take small actions to create change through direct donations or something as simple as engaging an ad.

Through small individual actions, together we can create exponential good. Check out the infographic below to learn more about the Samsung Global Goals campaign.

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