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[ENG] [Super Mart] Arctic Fox and TV Land (EP.03 TV)

 Easy to understand how electronic products work! fun!

I just watched the animation, but the principle of the electronic product in my mind... ?!

The third electronic product that aroused the curiosity of the arctic fox! TV!

"It's so thin... what's in it... Does it show a vivid scene as if it were in front of your eyes?"

Don't worry, let's go'in person' right now to find out how TV works with Arctic Fox! (feat.Cat)

Chapter1. Meet the backlight that shoots blue light from the back of the TV!

                  (※ Do not sit down on the couch! Be careful, not the sofa!) (02:47)

Chapter2. What does a quantum dot illuminated by backlight do? The color know-how of stylish quantum dots is revealed! Heh! (03:46)

Chapter3. Meeting with TFT-LCD, who works to make light in the form of images!

                   And even unexpected gifts! (05:29)

Chapter4. When light passes through the TFT liquid crystal and color filter... What's next? Pixel Wake Up! Pixel 3 appeared! (07:21)

+) Special Chapter. How Arctic Fox and Cat TV Works! Waltz! Shall we dance? (09:15)

#Animation #Supermart #TV principle #Samsung Electronics

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