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Open Mobile Miniconf

Call for Presentations
The Open Mobile miniconf provides a forum for developers to meet and share their experiences using open software to create mobile devices and other embedded systems. The miniconf will be held on the first two days of linux.conf.au at the University of Tasmania's Sandy Bay Campus. For more details and updates please see the website.
Developers are invited to participate in the miniconf by presenting a tutorial, demo, or technical presentation. Presentations on anything at the intersection of open source software and embedded systems are encouraged, the following topics are given as a guide only.

•Experience using Linux or other open source software to design an embedded system.
•Tutorial on how to use a particular piece of open source software or an open source framework to develop an embedded system.
•Presentations discussing legal aspects related to mobile development.
•Demonstration of a device that uses open source software.
•In-depth technical presentation on new software or techniques being used in embedded systems development.
•Presentation on how specific software (e.g: GNOME, Linux kernel, Webkit), has been improved for use in mobile devices.
•Technical presentations on aspects of software development relevant to embedded developers, such as cross-compilers, memory usage, power management, security etc.
The length of presentation is flexible, and speakers are urged to propose a presentation length that best matches the content they wish to present. Talks ranging from 5 minute lightning talks through to 2 hour tutorials are acceptable.
If you have something that you would like to present, please email Ben Leslie (benno@benno.id.au). The selection process is informal, so please free to propose ideas and work with miniconf organisers to determine the best approach for your material.

As this is an informal selection process there is not a fixed timeline, however the earlier a presentation is proposed the more likely it is to being accepted. It is unlikely that proposals accepted after November 1st 2008 will be considered.
Please note that in order to give a presentation or attend the miniconf you must be signed up for the main linux.conf.au conference. Presenting at the Miniconf does not entitle you to discounted or free registration at the main conference nor priority with registration.
If you have any questions please feel free to email the organiser: benno@benno.id.au.

About: Open Mobile Miniconf
The Open Mobile miniconf provides a forum for developers to meet and share their experiences using open software to create mobile devices and other embedded systems. The miniconf will be held on the first two days of linux.conf.au at the University of Tasmania̢۪s Sandy Bay Campus. Entry to the miniconf is included as part of the linux.conf.au ticket price. Unfortunately tickets just for the miniconf are not available.

Over the course of the two days a range of presentations will be shown, including demonstrations, tutorials, and in-depth technical talks. The full spectrum of embedded computing will be on show including microcontrollers, sensor networks, robotics, mobile phones, payment terminals, and laboratory equipment. Software will include everything from low-level, kernel implementation, right up the stack to advanced user interfaces and application programs.

For more information please contact Ben Leslie (benno@benno.id.au).

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