Sunday, March 16 2025

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SMS-Trojans threaten owners smartphone

With the growing number of owners of smartphones is growing and the number of malicious programs for mobile devices. Kaspersky Labs announced a new mobile phone virus able to manage without the knowledge of the subscriber's personal telephone bills. Last week, experts from Kaspersky Labs discovered a new malicious programs for the operating system Symbian, aimed at customers of one of the Indonesian mobile operators. Found malicious software related to a class of Trojan programs, and written in the scripting language Python. Trojan, without the knowledge of the owners of phone numbers, send SMS-short message service number in the team portion of the subscriber to transfer to another account belonging to the attacker.

Indonesian Trojan has five known variations: Trojan-SMS.Python.Flocker.ab-af. The program is set up so that the funds are transferred from an infected number of small parts, from 45 to 90 U.S. cents. Thus, if the machine will be able to infect a large number of phones, the amount they receive on their mobile account, it may be significant.

It is gratifying that the users of Kaspersky Mobile Security solutions are protected from new Trojans: product Kaspersky Labs' blocks all malicious programs, while prohibiting their performance in the system.

So soon antivirus software for smart phones is also included in the list of required software.

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