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Use Web Services to extract Sony Ericsson phone data

Registered members of Sony Ericsson Developer World can now extract data from our Phone Gallery database using the new Phone Gallery Web Services API. This new API makes any phone data collection and presentation task easier, and we created this new membership service with beta-testing support from our partner dotMobi.

New Phone Gallery Web Services API
Sony Ericsson Developer World offers a searchable phone gallery where data can now be extracted for use on other websites or in applications using a Web Services API. When we update our Phone Gallery database with new phones or data, this information is automatically propagated making any phone data collection task easier.

Registered members of Sony Ericsson Developer World can use a key generator tool to create access keys to pull the following data parameters:

Locations and regions
Phone categories
Key features
Standard features
Technical specifications
Phone form factor
Web resources

More information and download the supporting Phone Gallery database Web Services Developers' Guidelines>>
Instructions and the key generator tool are available in the member's only MySettings web section:

Beta testing by dotMobi
When building this new membership service, we collaborated with dotMobi – the company behind the .mobi name and mobiForge.com mobile web developer forum – who were a beta tester. dotMobi gathers phone data for benchmarking tests and mobile service developers provisioning and in turn offers this data through their award-winning DeviceAtlas service.

"The information in Sony Ericsson Developer World's phone gallery database is extremely useful for many website and data-sharing applications. Being involved with the new extraction service at the beta stage showed us that the service is a strong tool for developers. In fact, we're already using this new API for our DeviceAtlas service," says Andrea Trasatti, Director of Device Initiatives at dotMobi.

Phone Gallery searchable data
The new Web Services feature adds to the existing Phone Gallery where phone specification data is presented in a searchable configuration allowing you to identify which Sony Ericsson phones support a large range of features and formats.

There are preset searches that make it even easier to start drilling down into the phone data. If you already know which phone model you want to view, a detailed phone overview page is available from the drop-down box at the top-left of the Gallery page.

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