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Frost & Sullivan Ranks Huawei No.1 in World Incremental SDM and ngHLR Markets

Huawei, a leader in providing next-generation telecommunications network solutions for operators around the world, was ranked first in the world' s incremental SDM (Subscriber Data Management) and ngHLR (next-generation Home Location Register) markets by Frost & Sullivan in their report, "World Subscriber Data Management Market, Q3 2009", which covers the first three quarters of 2009.

Driven by the adoption of operators' customer-focused operations, the SDM market has developed rapidly in 2009. The ngHLR, an effective solution to increase the subscriber data management efficiency for mobile network, has been gradually acknowledged and deployed by more and more operators.

According to Frost & Sullivan, the total world SDM market' s revenues reached $1.30 billion as of Q3 2009. The market revenues are forecast to rise to $1.73 billion by the end of 2009 and $2.78 billion by the end of 2012. The CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) is expected to be 23.3 percent from 2009 to 2012, which represents a rapid growth. Among various vendors in SDM market, Huawei' s subscriber numbers have reached 755 million, representing a 25.9% market share among SDM operators in the first three quarters of 2009. In the ngHLR market, Huawei leads the industry with a market share of 39.6 % and 535 million subscribers.

"Huawei' s comprehensive SDM solutions enable operators to realize unified management of all subscriber-related data, reduce operation cost, develop a new value-added service and business model, and pave the way for FMC (Fixed and Mobile Convergence) and ICT (Information Communication Technology)," said Jin Huang, vice president of Core Network,Huawei.

Huawei ngHLR, based on the ATCA (Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture) platform, provides a maximum capacity of 100 million subscribers, significantly improves maintenance efficiency, lowers operating costs, and offers over 99.9999% reliability by sites load sharing mode. This solution also supports the evolution to USC (Unified Subscriber Center), in securing operator' s current capital investment. By the third quarter of 2009, Huawei ngHLR solution has been deployed by more than 50 operators in 40 countries around the world. To date, Huawei ngHLR has achieved an accumulative shipment of more than 750 million licenses.

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