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The Internet -[fotoramka] Sony Of dash has already been sold for $199

We already wrote in the news about the digital photo-framework Of sony Of dash. She was announced in January, and in March began the method of [predzakazov]. And here finally the company Of sony declared about the start of sales to the model Of dash. This digital photo-framework possesses functionality sufficiently wide for the devices of this class, but it nevertheless does not suffice to the valuable Internet- plane-table. At least because it is not portable and it can work only from the stationary electric brush.

Sony Of dash is equipped with 7- one inch sensory screen with the permission WVGA, module Of wi-Fi and with USB- port. Along the wireless channel the device can be connected to the Internet. It makes it possible to obtain access to the social networks and different [mediaservisam] (YouTube, Pandora and so on). Also with the aid of Sony Of dash it is possible to examine photo and video, to listen to music and Internet- radio. There is a possibility to achieve several actions simultaneously ([mnogozadachnost]). More than 1000 applications are provided for the photo-framework: the news, weather forecasts, calendar, to [sotsseti] and so on. The cost Of sony Of dash is $199, sales already began.

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