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[Tachfon] Of fly Of e135 TV with the function of the survey OF TV and the support of social networks

The company Of fly presented new [reinkarnatsiyu] of its multimedia [tachfona] Of fly Of e135. Main difference from its predecessor for Fly Of e135 TV is the possibility of the method of the transfers of mobile television remote into the name. In the addition the apparatus obtained the support of the widgets of iDea Of widgets. With their aid apparatus supports access to such popular Internet- resources as “classmates”, “in the contact”, the acquaintance “Of mamba”, the weather “Of gisMeteo”, “LiveJournal”, “Twitter”, “Facebook”, rates of change TsB RF, “the poster: Cinema”, “anecdotes from Russia”, the armoring of tickets to cinemas and other. 3,2 one inch TFT screen (262.000 colors) occupies almost entire front of the surface of telephone. The sensory panel of screen and button on it they are intended for simple and intelligible control. On the main screen of telephone are present three working tables, whom can be filled with widgets.

With the overall sizes of 111x56x13,9 mm Of fly Of e135 TV weigh 100 deg. Telephone is capable of working to 5 hours in the regime of conversation and to 400 hours in the standby mode. Fly Of e135 TV is equipped with the music player, capable of reproducing 8 different audio- sizes and FM by receiver, and 64- tone polyphony ensures qualitative and clean sounding. When desired you can establish any melody as [ringtona], after using the Internet, USB by connection or Bluetooth. For the amateurs of virtual contact is provided the presence of the mobile Internet with the support EDGE, and also e-mail client. Because of built-in [videopleyeru], and also camera of 3,2 [Mpiks] the users can examine films on the screen with the wide-format permission and create their own collections of rollers and photographs, and the support of microSDmicroSDHC of map with volume to 16 Gb and will make it possible with the ease to store data. Is located [vstroenoe] ON for the survey of office documents.

Fly Of e135 TV will appear in sale at the beginning of May on the recommended price of 5 990 rubles.

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