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NR did purchase Palm exclusively for webOS?

To the referring to given carried out press conference the Internet- resource Of boy Of genius Of report reports that taken place on this week acquisition by the company NR of the producer of the cell phones Of palm was dictated predominantly by the desire to secure the operating system of webOS and to include products on its basis in its ecosystem [po]. Here are the basic moments, on the basis which was made this conclusion: In the statements was done the support for the combination of financial possibilities HP with the possibilities of further development of webOS;

* Investments into the platform for the developers, which will make it possible to more effectively create applications for OS;
* Increase of the investments in R&D and marketing of webOS;
* Conclusion of webOS for the market for user and commercial proposals by introducing of [smartfonov] and plane-tables on its basis;
* Representative NR were not indicated the specific periods of the modification of webOS for the use on the apparatus platforms of company - transaction must at first completely be completed;
* John Rubenstein and its command will continue the work on webOS;
* Is unknown the fate of the communicators of iPAQ on Windows Of mobile. Decision on this question will be accepted later;
* webOS will be key component of complex mobile ecosystem NR, which will be built on the basis of the interrelation of all devices of company;
* Company NR will become not the creator of [kontenta], but by the means of access to it. In this case as yet there is no unanimous opinion about that, will be created infrastructure similar iTunes, by the represented company Of apple.

Nevertheless, also it should not be forgotten, that the purchase Of palm " presented” TO HP and huge amount of patents, which only adds pleasant moment into all future plans.

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