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[Raskladushka] Of motorola RAZR3 on video

In the Internet the videotape, where it is possible to see the prototype of the telephone Of motorola RAZR3, filtered. From the moment of the production of the model Of motorola RAZR2 passed no longer one year and here finally company decided to prepare its heir. On its characteristics, true, at the given moment is known far from all. Is mentioned the support of networks GSM and HSPA, GPS- receiver and 5-[Mp] camera with the light-emitting diode flash. Like predecessor, Motorola RAZR3 - this [raskladushka] with the large external display, only it became still more and completely sensory.

Furthermore, judging by video, apparatus is equipped with the joint of micro-USB (it is located on the lower end to the left). Motorola RAZR3 is concluded in the housing from the silvery metal and in the design it resembles RAZR2, although there is a number of differences. Keyboard also is metallic. Thus far nothing it is known about the periods of the production of this device for the market. Interesting that decent time back already walked the rumors about RAZR3, but then it became known that the model was abolished. It is not thus far clear, is not prototype from video the thus abolished project.

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