Sunday, March 9 2025

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Motorola hints at owning mobile OS, acquires Azingo

Motorola’s Co-Chief Executive Officer Greg Brown recently told Bloomberg that his company was ready to make acquisitions to return to growth and it looks like we might have spotted their first deal.

According to a LinkedIn profile, it appears Motorola has acquired mobile platform company Azingo. The little known company (I’ve never heard of them) makes their own operating system called Azingo Mobile 2.0 which is based on the Linux platform. Azingo Mobile 2.0 already includes a comprehensive application suite including a Webkit-based browser, web runtime, Flash runtime, and full developer tools.

Acquired by Motorola.

Motorola’s other Co-CEO Sanjay Jha recently hinted at the possibility of Motorola owning their own operating system in their Q1 2010 earnings call.

“I’ve always felt that owning your OS is important, provided you have an ecosystem, you have all the services and you have an ability and the scale to execute on keeping that OS at the leading edge. And I continue to believe that at some point, if we have all of those attributes, that owning our own OS will be a very important thing.”Sanjay JhaCo-CEO Motorola

Google currently has a very strong partnership with Motorola, but i guess anything is possible.

Could Azingo become Motorola’s next mobile OS or do you think their technology might be implemented into future versions of Motoblur?


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