Android PSX emulator coming your way
ZodTTD has made a name for himself by developing a PSX emulator for the iPhone. After almost 2,000 people signed a petition to get his work ported from the iPhone, ZodTTD decided to step up to the plate. Partnering with the experienced emulator creator of NESoid and GameBoid to give himself an emulator base, the PSX emulator is shaping up to be a dream come true for nostalgia. Controls use the touch screen, the hard buttons, and even the trackball, however the interface seen above is that from GameBoid the Game Boy Advanced emulator for Android, and will not be the final product. There is also full screen support for the games however Shadensu of Digital Disbeliever says the emulator is currently a bit sluggish and doesn't quite hit the 60 FPS sweet spot. A performance boost is expected, but you will need to be running a version of Android 2.x and preferably one of the more top of the line Android devices spec wise. It also looks like ZodTTD may be taking a liking to Android, and is expected to begin work on a N64 emulator once the PSX one is polished off.
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