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For [Uralsvyazinform] of 2009 are noted by an increase in the clean profit

Telecommunication operator “[Uralsvyazinform]” presented his audded consolidated financial results in 2009 in accordance with the International standards of financial account ([MSFO]).

The basic indices of this report appear as follows:

* Reduction of operating expenditures per 1 794 mln. rubles (- 5,0% by 2008) and an increase in the indices of the profitability:
o Index EBITDA increased by 17,0% - to 16 131 mln. rubles;
o Operating profit increased by 23,3% - to 7 993 mln. rubles;
o Clean profit grew by 44,1% - to 3 654 mln. rubles.
* Company also decreased clean debt by 5 492 mln. rubles or by 20,6%.

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