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Friday’s Pick and Mix #3

GLOBAL – We’ve very nearly reached the end of a busy week here at Conversations, and that means it’s time to lift our eyes from our notebooks, take a look around and point out some of the great articles that have appeared on other blogs and sites around the Web.

Go and visit the links, then come back and tell us what you think.

* Last week, Nokia hosted the ‘Open for Ideas’ event for journalists, highlighting some of the innovative ideas in the pipeline. The chaps from All about Symbian and The Really Mobile Project had a particularly good time in Nokia’s Experience Lounge, where it showcases both future concept pieces and memorabilia from yesteryear. They produced this video to record the visit.
* The Centre for Global Development’s podcast focused this week on how mobile can relieve intense poverty and the four main ways that this can happen. Meanwhile, Solutions Journal looked into some ways that this is already happening in East Africa. And here’s ict-km on the idea of m-agriculture – how mobiles are changing farming in poorer areas.
* Here’s mobiThinking on some of the reasons that mobile money – m-wallets, m-commerce, m-tickets and so forth are all set to become the next big thing.
* We’ve had a pretty eco-friendly week here, with the launch of Eco Profiles, the Nokia Bicycle Charger and the video results from the ‘Easy to be Green’ competition. Let’s top that off with a reminder that recycling your old mobile is a really important part of the process. Tomorrow (June 5) is World Environment Day, y’know.
* Lastly, and also enviro-related, are mobile phones responsible for the disappearance of bees, as has been widely reported over the last week or so? Answer: no.

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