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Beeline Business introduces a lightweight version of the service BlackBerry - BES Express

Telecommunications operator VimpelCom, which provides its services to corporate customers under the brand name Beeline Business, presented to them with a new lightweight version of the service BlackBerry - BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express (BES Express).

Lightweight version of BES Express is the operator with the words, more economical and affordable option, "great" service BlackBerry and is mainly aimed at small and midsize businesses. Moreover, in this version of BES Express retains all of the key features of security and privacy of communication, ease of use, as well as opportunities to access personal and corporate data, such as:

online access to corporate and personal mail;
remote access to your office computer right from your smartphone, and work with documents;
access to network resources with the same username as on your office computer, and more.
The cost of hardware and software with the BES Express is from 105 thousand rubles. Moreover, in contrast to the complete solution of BES, the cost of user licenses for BES Express is included in cost of hardware and software and are not separately paid by the customer.

To use this version of the service BlackBerry «Beeline Business also offers new communicators Blackberry Torch.

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