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Lenovo LePad 2: release in September-October

It was learned that this fall will be the second-generation Tablet Lenovo LePad. This was announced at a banquet events in 2011 Chinese IT Leadership Summit itself CEO of Lenovo Yuantsin Yang (Yang Yuanqing). We remind the international release of the first Lenovo LePad scheduled for June. The device is equipped with 10-inch touchscreen, 1.2-GHz processor (Platform Qualcomm Snapdragon) and is based on the OS Android 2.2 with a modification LeOS. The handset supports 3G and should be quite affordable.

It is not clear whether similar to the original second Lenovo LePad, details Yuantsin left to themselves. He only mentioned that the new model is thinner than its predecessor, and designed it together with him, but other people. Perhaps, Lenovo LePad 2 also receives an operating system Android, but it certainly is not yet known. Release is scheduled in September-October this year, it is hoped that the new tablet would also be inexpensive, at least, cheaper iPad 2.

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