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Windows Phone 7 will support NFC before the end of the year

The company Microsoft, though, and released to the market operating system, Windows Phone 7, but it still continues to refine it, adding the necessary functionality. As it became known, the next step, after the addition of "copy-paste" presented in the latest update of the OS, WP7 can receive and support mobile payment NFC. It is reported by news agency Bloomberg, citing sources within the company. Earlier it was reported that Microsoft was interested in Qualcomm chipsets supporting NFC. In addition to the services Xbox Live, Windows Phone Marketplace and Zune Marketplace provides the opportunity to interact with the payment systems of this type.

For Microsoft's extremely important to bring their own operating system to a state in which she will not concede on a set of core functions of its competitors. In this case, it is worth noting that at the moment for all evaluations WP7 loses and Google Android and Apple iOS significantly. Slightly better looking and a comparison with an outdated operating system Symbian, which is Windows Phone 7 should be replaced in the Nokia smartphones in late 2011 - early 2012. In this case, the system itself NFC despite promising not yet widespread, although rumors in the future, many companies intend to introduce it into a significant portion of their vehicles. Currently, the main partner of Microsoft for the creation of smartphones by Nokia, offers limited devices with built-in NFC.

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