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Amazon is preparing a tablet that can be called Scratchpad?

From different sources provide conflicting information about the company Amazon after the devices for reading e-books under its own brand and can release tablet. Officially, about any such plans the company has not reported, but such a possibility may well exist. Officially, the company acquired the rights to use domain names incorporating the name of the Scratchpad. Presumably such a name can get a tablet from Amazon, if the rumors about its existence are true. The main source of information about such a development is the increased interest in companies to develop Android. After you create your own store applications for that operating system, this interest has not declined and the company recently announced the availability of more number of vacancies of engineers with experience in running Android, and earlier there was mention of the need for engineers with experience in developing LCD-screens.

By themselves, the announcement of hiring such specialists are not an indication that Amazon's going to develop its own tablet. We can talk about software products, in particular, for the same store applications for OS Android. The same applies to the registration of domain names called Scratchpad. It is reported that the name has no relation to the tablet, and Scratchpad - is the name of the software being used including Amazon Marketplace Web Service for testing API. According to some sources there are even developers who are familiar with the means of Scratchpad. Thus, until more detailed or official information from representatives of the Amazon, to talk about the existence of the tablet with the brand prematurely.

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