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Executive Director of Acer sacked because of disagreements with the Directorate

Executive Director and CEO of Acer, Gianfranco Lanzi (Gianfranco Lanci) dismissed with immediate dismissal, the official website of the company. In his place has already been appointed Acting Executive Director CEO JT Wang (JT Wang). In an official press release and a statement of reasons leaving Gianfranco Lanzi his post, which was due to "different views of a majority of board members, consensus was not found within a few months." Further specified and what exactly went the executive director and board - the scale, growth, creation of consumer products, brand positioning, resource allocation and methods of achieving their goals. After that, the question arises, did the board of directors and Mr. Lanzi do some general views on the management of the company Acer.

In the report by Mr. Wang, who became interim successor until Lanzi as Executive Director, can be found and the main reason for the resignation of the latter. "Personal computers remain the foundation of our business. We have created a solid foundation and continues to expand in the given framework, focusing on commercial PC market. In addition, we stepped onto the mobile device market, where we intend to become one of the key players, acting cautiously. " That is the new CEO said the company's commitment to traditional businesses, covering notebooks, laptops and personal computers, despite the fact that Mr. Lanzi has repeatedly noted that in the future, Acer intends to become one of the largest players in the market for mobile devices and even surpass Apple in 2 - 3 years. We also know that not all board members shared the optimism about the development direction of tablets and thought a surge of interest in them temporary. Apparently, these differences have led to layoffs and Gianfranco Lanza, which is likely to lead to adjustment of the course development company.

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