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Samsung begins world's first production of transparent LCD panels for the mass market

The South Korean company Samsung Electronics has announced the mass production of 22-inch clear LCD panels, which will run in two versions - black and white and color.

Both models will have a level of contrast ratio of 500:1 and be allowed to 1680x1050 pixels. As reported by the manufacturer, its transparent products, compared to conventional LCD panels, which use lights and have a transparency of 5%, have been 20% level of transparency for the black and white models and the 15% level - for color.

The company notes that a high level of transparency of its panels will allow ordinary people to look through a screen, as will examine through ordinary glass, with a transparent display consumes 90% less compared to conventional LCD displays, using the backlight. Saving is just going through the renunciation of the use of backlight, and the use of ambient lighting.

Main area of ​​use of transparent displays Samsung sees in applying them in advertising as billboards and shop windows, where it will display an interactive advertisement on a higher, in terms of efficiency levels.

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