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iPod Nano will keep the form factor, but again get the camera?

Judging from the images published in Taiwan's share, which demonstrates housing seventh generation iPod Nano, this media player is once again have the opportunity to take photos. On the frame can be clearly seen that the body of the player has the same shape as the six previous generation, but on the back it has vyshtampovka and the slot, which clearly indicate that it will host a photographic unit. More than any of the details in the photo can not be considered, except to assume that the anodized aluminum, painted in dark green, indicating a change in the color set, which will be offered to buyers.

Previously, Apple has refused to deploy in the series player iPod Nano camera, which was due to a desire to save battery built-in battery and the transition to a new form factor. Perhaps the failure after 2009 was due to the fact that the camera does not fit in decreased body without sacrificing battery capacity. In 2010-2011, these difficulties could be overcome by creating a new photographic and now the camera is "returned" to the iPod Nano. It is worth noting that the first and the last available data in the players camera without the possibility of obtaining pictures, but allows you to write video in VGA-resolution. Taiwan shot while in no way shed light on this issue.

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