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Reggie Fils-Imeeo explained why Nintendo is not the mobile phone market

President of the American branch of Nintendo Reggie Fils-Imeeo (Reggie Fils-Aime) in an interview with CNN talked about why the company is not interested in entering the mobile phone market. First of all, he noted that the market for Nintendo is unlikely to be a source of great income, and that the penetration of it fairly difficult due to intense competition between already in the market, the company Apple, Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo, and that's already struggling to market dedicated gaming devices. In this case, Mr. Fils-Imeeo indicated that his company has no experience in developing games for mobile phones because they are "almost the opposite game systems like Nintendo 3DS».

"Phone - it means" - he said: "The phones, by definition, not a means of entertainment." With this view agrees the Japanese manufacturer for Nintendo, Hideki Konno (Hideki Konno), which is the words of the president of the American Branch of the added refinement that the phones and so laid a lot of extra cost. If you add to them and developed a game component, in order to preserve the attractiveness of the price, these costs will be offset by the cost of games.

It may be noted that this position is fully consistent with the policies of Apple and Sony, are actively promoting it is a game component in mobile phones. Apple initially positioned the iPhone as a means not only work, but fun. Sony, through subsidiary Sony Ericsson, last week released a gaming Android-smartphone Xperia Play, which is designed precisely in view of convenience of playing games and is equipped with additional controls, similar to game consoles.

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