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Rise in price of Apple's products because of the earthquake in Japan will not happen

Apple has agreed to take on additional costs that were caused by the rising cost of components from the effects of the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, 2011. It is reported resource DigiTimes. The Company has adopted a strategy that will gain an advantage over competing producers, who can not afford to increase spending on manufacturing production, costs have grown due to the jump in prices for some types of components, production of which is housed on the Japanese islands and affected by natural disasters. High profits Apple will allow it not to experience difficulties with the procurement of spare parts at least and at a higher price, keeping the price of the product at the same level.

Given that short-term problems with components should arise, since, according to various estimates, there are stocks for 2-3 months of work by June may start problems with some kinds of materials. Among these problematic components, which primarily will be a deficit include anisotropic conductive film (ACF) and materials based on indium oxide and tin. Apple has yet planned for the second quarter of 2011 set a record four million tablets iPad 2, despite the possible problems caused by crises around Japan. Various analysts differ in their assessments about the possibility of such transfers on the basis of the possible disruption of supplies of components.

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