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Tele2 won a tender for GSM licenses in four regions

In the framework of competition for the license the company Tele2 has acquired the right to provide services of mobile communication standard GSM 1800 network in four regions - the Kamchatka region, the Koryak District, Chukotka Autonomous District and the Sakhalin region. Thus, the licensed territory Tele2 in Russia increased to 41 in the region.

Eligible to receive a license granted ZAO Siberian Cellular Communications, a subsidiary of Tele2. Tender 1 / 2011 - 4 / 2011 on the right to provide GSM mobile in 17 subjects of the Russian Federation shall be held to address the SCRF from 29.10.2010 № 10-09-04 / Competitions number 2 / 2011 and number 3 / 2011 held on April 19 , № 4 / 2011 - 26 April.

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