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Upgrading Windows Phone 7 Mango promised in the autum

At the conference, MIX 11, Microsoft said the new version of its operating system Windows Phone 7, code-named Mango. Update presented Microsoft vice president Joe Belfore (Joe Belfiore). He said that the platform will be released this fall and will feature multi-tasking, the new Internet Explorer browser 9 and support 16 new languages. By the way, among them, and Russian. In addition, for Windows Phone 7 Mango is preparing a few new applications and games, including Layar, Skype, Spotify and the Angry Birds.

Other features of this version is worth noting the new opportunities for developers. So, they will have access to the main sections of the interface Live Tiles, push-notification, camera and motion sensor. Thanks to this third-party applications will emerge, which will involve these functions, including, it may be a program with augmented reality like the same browser Layar. Developers will have tools Windows Phone Developer Tools for Windows Phone 7 Mango next month.

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