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Tele2 initiative will bring the state budget of 10 billion rubles

Operator Tele2 proposed several initiatives to change the existing order of radio regulation in Russia. Proposals designed to stimulate the market for mobile communications and provide an additional source of revenue to the state budget.

International Forum of fixed and mobile TELECOM 2011, held May 25 in Moscow, President of Tele2 Russia Dmitry Strashnov launched an initiative aimed at developing the Russian market of telecommunication services. In his report he proposed a package of measures to improve the efficiency of radio resource.

One of the key proposals was the widespread introduction and legislative strengthening of the principle of technological neutrality networks, allowing operators to use the most effective communication technology to the already available to them in the frequency bands. This measure will help reduce the deficit of the frequency spectrum to deploy networks 4G.

To improve the efficiency of radio spectrum, Dmitry Strashnov proposed to move from payment issues a frequency resolution to the regular fee for the entire frequency band. Thus, it will stimulate the effective and efficient use of spectrum, as do the operators receive unfavorable frequencies without further development of networks and attract subscribers.

In this case, it is necessary to provide operators the ability to transfer the right to use radio frequencies to other market players in the event of a surplus. This will build a market-based mechanisms and management of frequency spectrum to form a "secondary market" of frequencies.

Also suggested that the existing principles for the allocation of frequency resources by replacing the competition for allocation of new radio-frequency spectrum auctions. Appropriate use of auctions in the allocation of new frequency bands, which are currently not used. In the case of auctions, the price of the lot is determined by the market and the willingness of operators to invest in the purchase of an asset.

The proposed measures will improve the mechanism for obtaining licenses for frequencies and provide additional revenue to the state budget of $ 10 billion. At the same time, it does not require a reallocation of already issued frequencies.

Efficiency and effectiveness of all proposed measures proven international experience, but none of the countries they are not used in the aggregate. Implementing the proposed package of measures will make the market for wireless broadband services in Russia, more efficient, attractive for business and useful to society.

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