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HP is preparing a tablet called Opal

Hewlett-Packard Company has recently attracted increasing attention for its tablet-based operating system webOS - HP Touch Pad.At the same time that in this device, there is also a "younger brother" - a tablet with a seven-inch touch screen has not even officially announced.Model will be called HP Opal.Information about the device appeared on the network by accident - on one of the pages devoted to the operating system webOS tablet with the name mentioned in the list of compatible models.It is this name appears in a number of applications and games for this OS.Although Hewlett-Packard Company to date has removed all "inappropriate" references, but the screenshots page preserved, which confirms the validity of the information.You can not certainly say with confidence that there is a tablet or a reference are the only mistake that occurred because of the fact that the device has been developed, but was later canceled.For the first time about the HP Opal as a tablet with a 7-inch screen became known in January of this year, but since no reliable information about him did not appear.Presumably, such a device could be officially announced until the end of the summer and go on sale in the fall.

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