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Representatives from Apple and Samsung are secret negotiations about claims

The trial between Samsung and Apple calls attention to and some eyebrows among market specialists of computer technology.On the one hand Samsung openly pursues a policy of repression of Apple products from a number of market segments, on the other hand it is also a key supplier of many kinds at once components for the production of the same devices.That is, both companies are vzaimozavismymi.Now it became known that at that time as the lawyers of both companies excel at finding issues that can either be a unique and peculiar only to certain developments, or reflect the general trend of development and are universally recognized norms and senior officials from both companies are secret negotiations.

The news of these negotiations is not in itself something unexpected, because such claims often are resolved is the world's agreements, which are at the management level of companies.Talks between Samsung and Apple has learned from Judge Lucy Koh (Lucy Koh), who demanded to know why the company "can not get along" and resolve their differences not in the courtroom.In response, the lawyer Harold MakElhinni (Garold McElhinny) represents the interests of the company Apple announced that talks between representatives of the companies were really concerned and not just the current trial.However, no official comment from Apple, or Samsung's have been reported.Nevertheless, it is obvious that the court decision is unlikely to suit any of the parties.According to the latest published information, Apple is the second largest, after Sony, Samsung customer by giving a profit of about $ 5.7 billion a year.In this key product is the chip Apple A4, created jointly by the two companies.

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