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Previously, we reported that Sony Ericsson has announced that by the end of this week for a smartphone Xperia X10 will be available version of OS Andr

One of the most popular myths about the dangers of mobile phones is that the use of the device leads to the development of malignant tumors. However, European researchers, who studied the impact of the use of mobile phones on adolescents, we could not find any association between cancer risk and radiation emanating from mobile phones. In an article published in Journal of the National Cancer Institute indicated that although adolescents are less resistant to negative factors of radiation, significant risk of brain tumors by using a mobile phone can be excluded. The studies were conducted among thousands of volunteers. Compared the effects of impact on people's phones do not have a brain tumor in patients who had any swelling. As a result, it was found that any laws in this case is not observed. Conducted by scientists led by epidemiologist Martin Roosli (Martin Roosli) studies are at variance with conventional wisdom about the particular dangers of using mobile phones, particularly for adolescents, because they're only developing . According to some earlier studies found that in particular the absorption of radiation emitted by the phone, they may be two times higher than in adults. Were also found to increase brain activity near cell phone antennas, but the development as a result of this cancer have been reported. Earlier this year, the World Health Organization issued an official warning that the frequent use of mobile phone use may provoke the development of brain tumors. Will there be a study Roosli revised WHO position is not yet known.

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