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U.S. smartphone market with no change

Recent research conducted by Nielsen for June 2011 showed that the market for U.S. smartphone does not change. The most popular operating system is Android, which accounts for 39% of the operating system for smartphones. In second place was the company Apple, the iOS which is 28%. But since it is also the only manufacturer of smart phones based on it, it provides a place the largest manufacturer of vehicles for the U.S. market. At the same time came in second place company HTC, which accounts for 20% of all shipments of "smart" phones. Of these, 14% fall in the supply HTC with Android, and 6% based on operating systems from Microsoft. Third place in the rank of smartphone manufacturers and operating system for them is RIM, whose share fell to 20%. For the BlackBerry OS is followed by Windows Mobile and Windows Phone which accounted for 9% of the market. More significant market share of some operating systems do not account for. WebOS and Symbian together occupy 2% of the market. Among the manufacturers of smart phones is still quite a strong position is the company Motorola, which accounts for 11% of all assigned units. With a slight lag followed by Samsung, which is gaining 10% market share. Of these ten percent of the 8% - this aids in the Android OS and the remaining 2% - based on the operating system from Microsoft. Thus, in the meantime no new developments in the market does not appear - Android and Apple's growing while the BlackBerry is losing ground. Due to this, RIM is gradually losing market share of smartphones, and Android-devices manufacturer contrary successfully go up.

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