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The second quarter was unprofitable for Motorola

Motorola has released the results of the second quarter of 2011, which also remained unprofitable for the mobile unit, while net profit rose, as well as shipments phones. Motorola Mobility deliveries to the domestic market were not large enough to make a difference in the Mobile Devices as a whole. Net income for the quarter was $ 2.4 billion, which ensured 41% growth compared to the same period in 2010. But at the same time in 2010 was recorded operating income of $ 87 million, while this year was an operating loss of 85 million. Results for the quarter was supplied by Motorola, 11 million units, of which 4.4 million - smartphones. Last year, shipments were 8.3 million vehicles, of which the share of smartphones had 2.7 million. In addition the company has sold 440,000 tablet Motorola XOOM. The head of Motorola Mobility Sanjay Jha (Sanjay Jha) reported that the growth of supply was provided by good sales of products in markets such as China and South America. He also said that the company return to profitability no earlier than the fourth quarter of this year, and the third is still unprofitable. Results for the second quarter of 2011 Motorola Mobility earned $ 3.3 billion, which gave 28% growth compared to last year, but operating losses were $ 56 million.

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