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Galaxy Nexus and Ice Cream Sandwich launch axed

We had our bags packed and Anchorman had been watched four times this week, when we got a call from Samsung's people to say that they and Google and have killed off the announcement (of the Galaxy Nexus and Android Ice Cream Sandwich) at CTIA San Diego.

Other than missing the sun, we’re also missing a reason. But Samsung did kindly send over the details they got sent from HQ in Korea, which was short and blunt:

"Samsung and Google decide to postpone the new product announcement at CTIA Fall. We agree that it is just not the right time to announce a new product. New date and venue will be shortly announced."

Could it be that they felt it untimely after the death of Steve Jobs – either out of respect, or fear of Apple hogging the media limelight? Or perhaps the leaked video of the Galaxy Nexus running Ice Cream Sandwich has made them think again on how they want this story broken? Or it could be just that the phone or the OS is broken – if they found a fault in either, holding off would be a prudent choice. Or they might have expected an iPhone 5 and the iPhone 4S has shocked their marketing strategy.

We could go on with ideas all day but instead we’ll be hunting more on the story. Watch this space for updates.


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