Nokia kicks off Social Media Week LA with free Janelle Monae performance
Social Media Week kicks off next week with events happening all over the globe. Nokia is proudly sponsoring SMW and will be active in the events in Los Angeles, CA happening from September 24-28.
In typical Nokia fashion, we’re going to rock next week, literally.
To help celebrate the launch of Nokia Music, our free, no-subscription music service for Lumia, we’re kicking off Musicology.
What is musicology, you ask? It’s the study of music as an academic subject. And no, don’t get fooled by the word “academic.” We’re going to have fun.
To us, music is about freedom to explore. Since Nokia Music is all about personalization, creating and discovery of different aspects of the musical world, we’re celebrating in style.
To kick things off, Nokia will be taking over Club Nokia with a free concert performed by Grammy-nominated Janelle Monáe. The concert will take place on September 25th at Club Nokia in Los Angeles. To interact with the performance, SMW attendees are invited to contribute a virtual playlist of their favorite songs using Nokia Music. Also, prior to Janelle Monáe’s performance on stage, a Nokia DJ Musicologist will spin tunes from the crowd-sourced playlist.
Also, three songs from Janelle Monáe’s performance will be available for listening following the concert.
At Club Nokia, listening stations will be set up, allowing visitors to experience Nokia Music on the Nokia Lumia 900. To ensure the music sounds as great as it should, the Lumia 900s will have our Purity headphones attached. Be sure to check Nokia Music while on site.
Will you be at Social Media Week? We look forward to seeing you there!
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