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New Trojan for Android is able to attack sites

The company "Doctor Web" reported the appearance of new malware infecting mobile Android-device. Android.DDoS.1.origin Trojan is capable of DDoS-attacks on various Internet resources, and can send SMS-messages to team attacks. When installed on a mobile Android-device, the Trojan creates Android.DDoS.1.origin application icon, similar to "icon" directory Google Play. If the user decides to start deceived this fraud, will open the original application, which significantly reduces the risk of any suspicion.
After starting the Trojan tries to connect to the remote server and, if successful, it transmits to the mobile phone number of the victim, and then waits for further commands that are sent by hackers using SMS. Among the supported directives present attack on the specified server, and sending SMS - messages. If you want to perform from the Trojan attack on a Web resource, the incoming message against cybercriminals parameter specifies the form [server: port].Upon receipt of such a command Android.DDoS.1.origin starts to send to the address information packets. If a malicious program is required by sending SMS, then the command is sent contains the text of the message and the number to which it should be sent. Action can reduce the performance of the Trojan infected handsets Android-device, and to influence the well-being of its owner, as access to the Internet and sending SMS-messages - are paid. 
Trojan propagation mechanism is still not fully elucidated, the experts, however, are the most likely social engineering using the image of the official Android-application from the corporation Google. One can assume that this malicious program can be used by the authors not only directly, but also for illegal activities for third parties (eg, for an attack on a competitor's site, product promotion by sending SMS-messages or user subscriptions for paid services by sending SMS to short numbers).

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