Released version 1.5 Yandeks.Brauzera
The new version Yandeks.Brauzera numbered 1.5. Along with numerous corrections, the browser has been added three important functions. First, a new scoreboard, where the opportunity to change the number of sites. Now they can be either greater or less than eight. Secondly, now you can instantly open the site you want, even if the user does not remember his exact address. To do this, simply enter the name of the site, including in Russian, and the browser will offer to take you to the site, click Enter. For example, enter only "knows" and press Enter, to open the site A user can enter the Sites in any language and even with errors - the browser will open immediately to the desired page.
Finally, Yandex has developed a completely new feature, which quickly target sites popular online stores, airlines, banks, airports, cellular operators and others. List of sites expands. The company calls this the "Quick Links". Now, right in the address bar you can find links to the most popular sections of the site visitors. For example, in the case of e-shop is a reference to a basket, payment and delivery. This version has also been updated Yandeks.Brauzera engine and and the transition to a 22 version of Chromium.
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