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Yandeks.Disk helps to move to a new phone

Company Yandex announced the appearance today in its service Yandeks.Disk new opportunity - Relocation. It will help owners of phones based on Symbian, Java and Windows Mobile to transfer important information to the new iPhone or Android-smartphone. Due to the move, with the words of the developers, a person can quickly start using a smartphone, for example given as a gift for the New Year.
To transfer the information you need to install an application on your old phone Transfer. It saves the data from the phone to Yandeks.Disk user. And from their cloud service is easy to download to a new smartphone. Take the necessary actions to help visual instruction. On the iPhone app will bring the contact list, and a smartphone based on Android - contacts, messages, call logs, and browser bookmarks. Of phones based on Java can be transferred only contacts.

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