Nautilus Calipso 3D - Android-tablet with a three-dimensional screen
Nautilus company introduced its flagship model, Nautilus Calipso 3D - the first full 3D tablet in Russia. Under the company full value means no need to use special polarized glasses to view 3-D content. The device works on technology Glasses-free 3D. To create surround effects in the design of the tablet is used parallax barrier - a special device placed in front of the screen. It is a plate material with a number of slots that are at some distance from each other. This image, perceived right and left eye are slightly different, but as a result of combining the obtained images (stereo) and there is 3D. Display tablet Nautilus Calipso 3D has a native resolution - 1280x800 pixels.Display size 8.1 inches with an aspect ratio of 16:10. The model is based on the Cortex A9 processor with a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz. Has a dynamic backlight that adjusts to ambient light, will save battery power. The tablet runs on Android 4.0. Sales should start on the day.

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